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Looking for an Employee-Owned Business Recruiter
All, I am looking for a recruiter who specializes in employee-owned businesses or HR person who works in one. I have a client who is interested in finding a position with an employee-owned business.…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
6 yrs ago
Talent Acquisition & Recruiting
Own Your Future Workshop - 11/8/18 and 11/9/18
Here is a great opportunity for individuals to do exploring on their next step. This is open to all. Please pass along to anyone you know who might be interested. Contact Dean Waggenspack (937.609.…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
6 yrs ago
Upcoming HR Events
LinkedIn activity - Any advantage for job seekers?
I would like to understand from Talent Acquisition, Recruiters and anyone else in the know, if (and how much) LinkedIn activity gets weighed in the job search process.…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
7 yrs ago
Talent Acquisition & Recruiting
Life's Work: Choice not Chance
Free career planning seminar presented by Career and Life Coach Dean Waggenspack. Ideal for anyone who wants to think about "what's next" in their career.…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
7 yrs ago
Training & Development
Job and Career Fair for Older Workers - 10/6/17
Do you know someone who is retired or close to retirement, but would like to continue working? We are conducting a Job and Career Fair for Older Workers at the Kettering-Moraine branch of the Dayton…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
7 yrs ago
Talent Acquisition & Recruiting
Re: Your Life's Work Reimagined - June 2017
@Natalie Reder Thanks for inquiring. There is no cost for any of the sessions. Hopefully you can make it this Thursday. If not, reach out to me and we can get together.
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
7 yrs ago
Upcoming HR Events
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Your Life's Work Reimagined - June 2017
Know someone who is in transition or considering transitioning from the job they are in now to something new? Career/Life Coach Dean Waggenspack is leading a three-part seminar on the subject of…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
7 yrs ago
Upcoming HR Events
Creating Ice Breakers that Sizzle, not Fizzle - 6/2/17
You may be familiar with the phrase “first impressions count.” Ice breakers are often the first opportunity for learners to see you in action. But what happens when an ice breaker fizzles?…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
7 yrs ago
Upcoming HR Events
Re: Job Seeker looking to find job in new city
@Janelle Rodriguez Janelle, thanks so much for the prompt and thorough response. I had not thought about the time element. I like the Skype idea also. I will pass along your thoughts to him.
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
7 yrs ago
Talent Acquisition & Recruiting
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Job Seeker looking to find job in new city
A job seeker needs to move to a new part of the country for family reasons. Financially, he prefers to find employment before moving. But he is running into an issue where many job postings require…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
7 yrs ago
Talent Acquisition & Recruiting
Personal Branding: Strengthening Your Strengths
Articulating your strengths in a specific, unique way that relates to the needs of a job is a great way introduce yourself to others. In this presentation, Dean Waggenspack, Career/Life Coach,…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
7 yrs ago
Upcoming HR Events
Best Practices to Create a New Performance Measurement Tool - 3/10/17
The Dayton Group of GCATD's next session will feature best practices from Wright-Patt Credit Union. The meeting is on Friday, March 10 from 7:45-9:30 at the University of Dayton Center for…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
8 yrs ago
Upcoming HR Events
Career Plan: Choice, not Chance - 2/9, 2/16 and 2/23/17
Looking for a chance to start your year in a little different way? "Career Plan: Choice, not Chance" will be presented on Thursday nights February 9, 16, and 23rd from 6:30-8:00 p.m.…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
8 yrs ago
Upcoming HR Events
Overcoming differences when being interviewed by a younger person
I am a Career/Life Coach who works with individuals on "what's next" in their career through creating a career plan. Many of my clients are Baby Boomer or Gen X people.…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
8 yrs ago
Talent Acquisition & Recruiting
Re: Question about GCHRA Roundtable attendance by job seekers
Thanks for the insight, all. I thought what you said above was the case. Now I have some stronger insight to provide.
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
8 yrs ago
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Question about GCHRA Roundtable attendance by job seekers
All, As I coach job seekers, I encourage them to attend the monthly Roundtable. I do this for 3 reasons: 1) They can meet HR people; 2) There is a convenient space for leaving resumes;…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
8 yrs ago
Re: DISC Assessments usefulness
Thanks for your insight Charles. I bet that causes some interesting discussions that normally would not happen. And that is valuable!
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
8 yrs ago
Training & Development
Reported - view
DISC Assessments usefulness
I am a Career/Life Coach and am looking for some input on DISC assessments. I am considering getting certified in DISC as a way to engage and build awareness in my clients.…
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
8 yrs ago
Training & Development
Dean Waggenspack
Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
Dayton, Ohio
Joined: Mon Aug 01 15:26:22 UTC 2016
I work with individuals who want to invest time in creating a career plan for themselves. I am particularly interested in encore careers - blending your desire for continuing paid work, personal meaning and a social purpose.
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