Question about GCHRA Roundtable attendance by job seekers
As I coach job seekers, I encourage them to attend the monthly Roundtable. I do this for 3 reasons: 1) They can meet HR people; 2) There is a convenient space for leaving resumes; 3) It always leaves me with a positive start to the day. I get the sense some are reluctant to attend because they feel like they are "invading an HR Meeting". My question for you all is this: Is it appropriate for job seekers to come to the meeting? Are they "invading your meeting"? What advice would you give them?
Thanks, Dean Waggenspack Career and Life Coach
Dean - I encourage those in transition to attend the HR Roundtable for a couple of reasons.
1) People don't know how to network well, and the Roundtable gives people a great environment to do that safely and with little expectations other than sharing their experience and knowledge.
2) Job seeking is hard. You need to have those around who will support you. Break out of your comfort zone. You need to get healthy before you can reenter the workforce. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's true.
3) Come share your experiences and also take time to learn yourself. The Roundtable isn't responsible for getting you a job. That's up to you. However, as a business professional, wouldn't you like the chance to share your strengths with other humans?
People have to remember that we're all in environments with other humans. Everyone is in HR even if they don't have it in their title. You're not imposing if you attend. However, attend as a professional who rocks and not just a person looking for their next gig.
I think that it is great for job seekers to share their experiences from the employee side of the discussion. I actually ran into someone that I know thorugh my kids at the HR Roundtable and I had no idea that she was in transition until I saw her at the HR Roundtable. My advice would be to attend with an open mind, be prepared to participate in the discussion and be positive.
In addition to what Steve said, over the years I have invited dozens of job seekers to attend the HR Roundtable. Personally, I find that I always get something positive from the meetings. I learn something valuable. When a job seeker learns some of the same things it can only help them - both in their job search and as a businessperson.
Additionally, I believe it is encouraging for job seekers to discover they're not alone in the world; there are many others also looking for a job. When I've been at that point in my life, I have found that comforting.