Your Life's Work Reimagined - June 2017

Know someone who is in transition or considering transitioning from the job they are in now to something new? Career/Life Coach Dean Waggenspack is leading a three-part seminar on the subject of career change.  The intent of the sessions is to gain a new perspective on your career and start some steps on deciding what is best for you. The sessions are June 8, 15 and 22 from 6:30-8:00 at the Kettering Moraine Branch of the Dayton Metro Library system 3496 Far Hills Avenue. 

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  • I would be very interested in this series. Is there a cost? This is perfect timing ;)


    • Dean Waggenspack
    • Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
    • Dean_Waggenspack
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Natalie Reder Thanks for inquiring. There is no cost for any of the sessions. Hopefully you can make it this Thursday. If not, reach out to me and we can get together.

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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
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