Best Practices to Create a New Performance Measurement Tool - 3/10/17

  • Dean Waggenspack
  • Career/Life Coach working with individuals who want a career, not just a job
  • Dean_Waggenspack
  • 8 yrs ago

The Dayton Group of GCATD's next session will feature best practices from Wright-Patt Credit Union.  The meeting is on Friday, March 10 from 7:45-9:30 at the University of Dayton Center for Leadership, 1700 S. Patterson Blvd., Dayton, OH 45479.

This highly interactive session will give you the opportunity to evaluate your performance, and use a feedback tool to outline the actions you take to support what is really important to you and your organization. After the meeting, you will be able to share a new way to look at performance management within your organization.

The subject matter expert for this session will be Melissa Yount from Wright-Patt Credit Union. Melissa has several years of experience implementing process change programs and is currently in the final stages of updating how Wright-Patt Credit Union evaluates and measures employee performance.

All Dayton ATD sessions will be facilitated by Bob Riess ( A complete breakfast and free parking is included in the registration fee ($15 for GCATD members;$20 for non members). Register here:

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