Kat Hoyer

Recovering HR Manager - Creator of STEER Your Life Coaching®
Akron, OH
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Joined: 07 Jul 2017
After a series of unexpected roadblocks, detours, and speed bumps, I found myself at a personal and professional crossroads. As I began to course correct, I paid close attention to how I was able to pull myself out of a very dark place to live a life full of Peace, Passion, and Productivity. From that, I developed the STEER Your Life Coaching® model. This self-coaching model teaches you to #BeTheDriver of your own success. The model has been so successful that my clients were begging me to create a certification program so that they could teach others. Today, we have coaches teaching this model to others throughout the country.

We have created a one of a kind Emotional Wellness Program specifically designed for organizations to "Rev their RPM's" Retention, Productivity and Morale! Emotionally Intelligent teams are successful teams, personally and professionally!