Cleveland SHRM - SMA Annual Conference
Sponsorship to this event means personal exposure and recognition directly with the attendees, as well as, significant social media attention. We only have space for 2 more silver sponsors for our highly attended and well regarded annual conference. Please contact me if you are interested in sponsoring this year.
Register here:
2018 SMA Annual Spring Conference
The Future is Now: (hu)Man Vs. (ro)Bot - A Powerful Team for the Future of HR
What if you could walk away from a day-long conference and be more energized about your career, have a clearer direction for you and your recruiting team, and understand how to partner Artificial Intelligence with Emotional Intelligence? Would you be interested?
This year, The Staffing Management Association [SMA], a special interest group of The Cleveland Society of Human Resource Management, presented programs that looked at (hu)Man vs. (ro)Bot and will continue this momentum at the 2018 Annual Spring Conference. Join us as we take a deeper dive into both the current and future state of Talent Acquisition.
Beyond the Buzzwords: Which Recruiting Trends Are Worth the Hype and Which are Total BS - Matt Charney
Ditch the buzzwords for a data driven look into the changing world of work and what that means for the work of HR and recruiting. We will take a look at some of the biggest trends and emerging technologies impacting recruiting and hiring today to identify what talent leaders can do to compete - and win - the top talent of tomorrow. We will talk about real issues that really matter to real recruiters, and focus on identifying what's really new and what's really next. For real.
What Will Hiring Look Like In 2028 Compared to Today? - Shon Burton
We will take a peek into the future of hiring by reviewing the current state-of-the-art in hiring technology and forecasting what will be possible. How will the use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence change hiring in a decade? In this talk we'll take a deep dive into the technological, privacy and ethical ramifications of AI based hiring in 2028 by analyzing 2 hiring scenarios and predicting how technology will change those scenarios.
Candidates and Your Employer Brand Need Recruiters With Emotional Intelligence - Caroline Stokes
While part of the Sony Management Team to launch the first PlayStation in 1995, Caroline Stokes had her greatest a-ha moment: “It’s humans that drive product design, humans that can make or break a launch and long-lifecycle and humans need a learn-it-all mindset to thrive in every 5-year market shift.” Carolyn will help you understand how your current and adapted Emotional Intelligence Quotient impacts your career success, relationships with colleagues, clients, and candidates. She will show you how to adapt your emotional intelligence in the recruiting field with colleagues, clients, candidates (and even your family).
You spoke, we listened! Following lunch, the conference will conclude with an Interactive Panel that you won’t want to miss!
Interactive Panel: Next Steps; Leveraging Technology to Drive Your Talent Acquisition Strategy
This is going to be an opportunity to have a deeper and more intimate dialogue with our morning keynote speakers as well as introduce some local leaders who are paving the way when it comes to integrating innovative technology into their talent acquisition practices.Panelists will answer a series of questions that will provide concrete examples of who is using what technology tools, why they are using them, the impact those tools are having on their organization and how these companies are still keeping the human touch. It will be an interactive session where the audience can ask questions of the panel and hopefully walkway with concrete tips and tricks to move their own talent acquisition strategies forward.
Matt Charney is Chief Content Officer for Allegis Global Solutions, one of the biggest recruiting and staffing organizations in the world, Partner at Recruiting Daily, an award-winning, independent news organization and highly regarded Blogger for Snark Attack. Matt has also been recognized as a top online influencer in HR and recruiting by publications such as Huffington Post, Forbes, LinkedIn and Glassdoor.
Shon Burton is the Founder and CEO of HiringSolved, a leading AI Technology company in the HR Tech industry. Shon is the designer of RAI, HiringSolved’s AI based recruiting assistant, which has been called “Siri for recruiting” by the media. Prior to starting HiringSolved, Mr. Burton founded several other companies including Wildcog, Dataverse and GetAnyGame.
Caroline Stokes is an executive headhunter, certified executive coach, and certified EQ.20 trainer, for global technology and entertainment innovation leaders, including Autodesk, Microsoft, EA, Disney, the BBC, Amazon and Google. In 2017, Caroline founded The Emotionally Intelligent Recruiter training platform, and hosts the podcast to help recruiters, leaders who hire and HR evolve their human strategies in the AI age.
***Complimentary networking Happy Hour immediately following the conference ***
Please join us right down the road for a networking event at Sibling Revelry Brewing, 29305 Clemens Rd. Westlake. Free of charge thanks to our sponsor Willory. Complimentary drinks and light appetizers included.
Early bird pricing starts at $75.00 if registered by April 1st. $95 to register after April 1st.
Companies who have 2 to 4 employees attending the conference will receive a discounted rate of $75 per attendee. Companies who send 5 or more employees, will receive a discounted rate of $60 per attendee. If you are interested in taking advantage of our group rate discount, please contact us at SMA@ClevelandSHRM.com
Breakfast and lunch are included in the registration fee.
This program has been submitted to HRCI and SHRM for their review.