Free Sample Coaching Session

Greetings! I'm beginning Certification in my Coaching Program and I have been given the challenge to do 10 Free Sample Sessions in the next 3 weeks! Interested? Email me at to set-up a session today. You can learn more at

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    • Kat Hoyer
    • Recovering HR Manager - Creator of STEER Your Life Coaching®
    • Kat_Hoyer
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Congrats Kristen!  I just went you a message via your website. 

  • Coaching session on what exactly?

    • Kristen Harcourt
    • Global Executive Coach & Speaker
    • Kristen_Harcourt
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi Gagandeep Singh: Great to hear from you. My website gives you more background on what I focus on in my coaching practice. I work with individuals in a corporate setting who want to be more intentional, productive, self-aware and purpose-driven in their careers. I also work with individuals in a personal setting who want to have more balance, meaning, clarity and fulfillment in their lives. Thanks for your interest. I shared this post on LinkedIn as well and the 10 sessions are now filled.

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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
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