New HR Blog - guest bloggers and non-bloggers wanted
Hi everyone!
I am so excited to announce my newest passion project, www.RecoveringHRManager.com I wanted this to be what would happen if there was a "Chicken Soup for the HR Soul" crossed with Steve Browne's "HR on Purpose!" I have 2 posts up that you're welcome to take a peek at, but I haven't officially launched through social media announcements. Below is the "about us" description. If you are interested in contributing, please contact me on here or through the site. My goal is to have one guest blogger a week and I will contribute intermittently.
About Us:
RecoveringHRManager.com is Rehab for the HR Heart. Come spend some time reading, sharing and reigniting your passion for people. This space will be exclusively for uplifting stories or tips and tricks to help you leave feeling a little lighter and a lot inspired.
Volunteer to be a Guest Blogger or nominate someone that you admire. We will feature the guest blogger and their blog and are extremely happy to welcome one-off feel-good stories even if you don't have a blog (yet).
We only have one rule for these posts: No Blaming or Shaming of Self or Others. We want this to be a judgment-free space. We are all learning and trying to navigate this world the best we can.
If you're interested in being a guest blogger, email me at: kat@sylcconsulting.com
Thanks - Kat