Balance Ball Chairs in the Workplace

Does anyone have experience with "balance ball" chairs.   We have combined manufacturing and office space.   Recently, we have had employees bring in their own personal balance ball chairs.  Two in the office area and two engineers who office in cubicles on the manufacturing floor.   These chairs were not vetted as part of a health accommodation.  Our concern with the chairs on the manufacturing floor are that employees not used to sitting on these chairs may use it and fall off to the concrete floor.   Does anyone have any policies or practices in place that would address this situation?  Any information would be helpful.   Thank you.

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  • Hi~ we do not permit them in any area of our bank. Our reasoning is that is it a safety issue for the user and others around them if they fall off, explode, roll into the path of another employee, etc. While there are varying opinions regarding the use of balance balls, most generally the opinions center around the issue of "wellness" vs. a serious disease accommodation, therefore we restrict the use. We have not had anyone bring certification from a physician requiring the use of a balance ball..............yet. Good luck!

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  • Lisa,

    Thank you very much for responding.   I really appreciate your input.

  • Lisa,

    Would you be willing to share your written policy regarding the chairs?

  • HI Barbara,

    I don't have anything written for this particular situation. It is just how we address the question when it comes up. Its so hard to write everything into a policy - yikes! We'd be writing all day, wouldn't we?



  • We have a carpeted office and, though the two people using these unusual chairs do not have physician requirements, they tend to make the individuals more comfortable and productive.  They are not the typical ball chairs, they have four "legs" that keep them in place.

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  • We don't have a written policy, however, our owner has purchased several of the chairs for employees that want to try/use them. The novelty seems to wear off after a few weeks and most have gone back to their old chairs. Our offices are carpeted (however it is carpet on concrete) and the balls are in a holder to prevent them from slipping out, rolling away, etc.

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  • 8 yrs agoLast active
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