Social Media Policy Examples

I'm looking for examples of social media policies that are included in your employee handbook. If you'd prefer not to share your policy verbatim, a summary would be great.

Any amount of information you are able and willing to share is appreciated!

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  • Kerry-

    If you want to email me, I can send you our policy. 

    Vickie (

  • Hello Kerry!

    Happy to offer a soundbite of our policy. Please feel free to email me directly ( ) if you would like to review the full scope of our guidelines.

    No staff member should speak on behalf of RevZilla without express written permission of the Partners.

    The term “social networking” describes the online tools that people use to share photos, videos, and other content, as well as opinions and insights. These tools include, but are not limited to:

    • Postings on the Internet to social networking sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn or, Reddit;

    • Blogs and other online journals or diaries;

    • Bulletin boards, chat rooms, and forums;

    • Twitter and other microblogging applications; and

    • Video posting sites such as YouTube

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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
  • 2Replies
  • 242Views
  • 3 Following