HRIS Vendor Feedback

Was curious on experiences with Paycor as HRIS system provider (service, migration to service, lessons learned, etc.?  (250 ee entity)

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  • Hi Mike, We are using Paycor at a 750 employee company and are pleased with the product and the fantastic customer service. Send me your contact info and we can connect. Dave

  • We recently switched away from Paycor.  I struggled with their service model because they had a different service specialist for each component of the system - one for payroll, one for benefits, one for HR, one for Time & Attendance, etc.  A lot of times we would end up on 3-way calls because the person I was speaking to didn't have access to another part of the system.

  • I have been a Paycor user, (and until recently) a Paycor fan most of my career - at this point, I would NOT recommend Paycor to anyone.  We are looking at moving away from Paycor at this time.  It is due to their service.  Their product is not bad, but their service in the last 2-3 years has just went down hill tremendously!  There is no sense of urgency, your dedicated person is never available, and no sense of ownership  - they just pass your problem on to the next person, and on to the next person - and at the end of the day, no one really cares and your lucky to get a response at all.   It's sad, because Paycor did not used to operate this way.

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
  • 3Replies
  • 186Views
  • 4 Following