Handbook update frequency

How often does everyone update their company handbook?  Our last update was 2017. 

Thanks - Robin

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  • For my companies- I work at a semi large start up and do contract work on the side for start ups, we review at least yearly. If there are no changes then we won't need to update.  Recently, however there have been more changes in state/local laws, so it has causes for us to update policies more often.  It will honestly depend on the size of your company/location of your employees and how you put together your handbook and policies. 

  • Robin -

    We suggest you look at your handbook at least annually for any updates needed. These updates could be due to regulation changes or even how you are doing things now.  These past few years have had quite a bit to look at because of the change in administration as well as COVID, remote, and more. 

    If 2017 was your last update, I'd highly recommend a review. If you have questions or need help, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm always happy to help.


  • I review it every year after the new laws/regulations come out. I only change what is necessary and then give all employees a spreadsheet showing old language and new language.

  • Hi Robin,

    As the others note, we generally recommend an annual review/update. Recently, however, with all the changes coming fast and furious, if you haven't reviewed your handbook in the last 6 months, it undoubtedly will be out of date. Certainly, 2017 is way too distant. We're happy to help. Darlene Mack, CEO & Managing Partner, HR Partners Int'l Inc. darlene@HRPIInc.com

  • We do ours annually and make a page of all the updates/highlights on changes.  Every time we encounter something throughout the year that needs to be changed we make a note for suggested updates for the next year.  Attendance and dress code almost always has some sort of change.   After CEO approval and attorney review we implement by February of each year.  We gather new handbook acknowledgements and send it out through our HRIS.

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