Exit interviews

Does anyone have any suggestions on tools to use for exit interviews? We currently conduct them, but are not getting much data out of the surveys we use. We would like to be able to recognize trends share specific feedback, with leaders. 

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  • Kelsey Link I like to exploit whatever systems are being used first.  Where an HR system is not already being used  I've previously used survey tools.  I'd be happy to have a call to discuss what information you're hoping to get and some potential options based on your resources. 

    Checking here at least once per week is on my 2023 goal list. But just in case... feel free to email me directly at shenisecook@yahoo.com.

  • Hi Kelsey,

    I work as an HR consultant and our company provides exit interviews, tailored to the needs of each company, and we report the data back. Depending on the size of the company and how often exit interviews are needed this could be done on an individual basis, or where we collect the data over a specified time period and report back with a summary. If this is something you are interested in, or you just want assistance in reviewing/revising your exit interview format please feel free to reach out amanda@ttalent.com

    • Kim Cicci
    • Kim_Cicci
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    We currently use a custom created exit interview survey and utilize Survey Monkey to distribute.  Upon exit, an HR representative meets with the employee to discuss feedback one:one.  

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