Benchmarking Attendance Practices in Manufacturing

I am trying to do some benchmarking on how manufacturing companies are handling attendance policies. 

Are you using no-fault systems or point systems?  If so, at what point do you start the disciplinary process? If you're not using these systems what are you using?   How do you handle partial-day absences?  Do you have a different standard or policy to address new hires?  

I'd appreciate any insights you're willing to share on your approach.

Thanks - Greg

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    • Lisa Lyons
    • Lisa_Lyons
    • 9 mths ago
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    We are manufacturing, our policy allows for 5 "unplanned" absences in a rolling 12-months.  Unplanned is considered anything with less than a 24-hour advance notice, so basically a call-off.  We do not differentiate between approved and unapproved.  So if you're out sick and bring in a doctor's note, that still counts as an unplanned absence.   Anything more than 5 in 12 months starts processive discipline.  Verbal, written, final written, termination - if the unplanned absences continue.  If they have to leave unexpectedly in the middle of a day - this counts as an unplanned absence.  We also allow for 5 late arrivals/tardies in a rolling 12-months, counted separately from absences.

    • We just changed our policy to allow 12 points in a rolling 12 month period.  Our late/tardies and our call offs are all considered in this grouping.  One of our plants is having a heck of a time with this and managers/supervisors are inconsistently excusing so no points awarded. 

    • Lisa Lyons Lisa curious how you handle an absence of say 2-5 days with a doctor's note.  Is this 1 point for the entire absence or 1 for each day?

    • Vicki bird Oh man, I can understand our Supervisors had a hard time in the beginning as well.  They think, we'll the person brought in a doctors note, it should be excused.  But unfortunately, absences due to sickness are just as disruptive to production as absences due to anything else.  People get sick, we get it, that is why the policy allows for 12 points - this is how I always explain it.  Otherwise you have the people who miss work excessively, but bring in a note every time from minute clinic or teladoc, to "excuse" them from work - when that's not ok.  Good Luck!

  • Consecutive days off with a doctors note, only counts as 1 point/occurrence.  

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