Looking For A Better Way To Achieve Sexual Harassment Training Compliance for a Multi-State Employer
Greetings all! I'm an HRBP based in Cincinnati happy to join this group. Thanks for the invite Steve! Looking to learn how other multi-state employers are achieving annual Sexual Harrassment compliance both for employees and managers that lead people across multiple states including NY and CA. Currently taking a conservative approach which results in some managers taking multiple courses (up to 3 to 4 hours of training) to comply with Federal and State guidelines. I'm wondering if there is a better way. We've used Skillsoft, Think HR, ADP, and this year planning to use Paycom. Thanks in advance for your help.
Vashti - welcome to the HR Net.
We love the programs that MYCA Learning provides and have become a reseller as a result. The Supervisor program is 2 hours and meets the requirements you listed. We liked how engaging it was and the administrative options. On our elearning page, you'll see a variety of elearning options we have but you'll see the Workplace Harassment (for supervisors) near the top. I'm happy to schedule you to have demo access if you are interested. - Robin@strategicHRinc.com