Wellness Program

Our organization has a basic 2 part wellness program where employees complete a biometric screening followed by a health assessment to receive a credit toward their benefit cost. We are wanting to take this to a next level and incorporate another step in the process in order to receive the credit. What are some recommendations of other components organizations are incorporating that is low cost and fairly easy to track?

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  • Hi Cortney,

    It sounds like your organization has a good start in its efforts to begin creating a culture of wellness.  The next step is to create strategies and programming that addresses the areas of potential risk for your organization. That could be in the form of personal, individualized challenges.  It could be in the form of more educational resources – such as lunch-and-learns or even an online component – around the areas of potential risk.  It could also be in the form of unique wellness programming that addresses the areas of risk from an aggregate level.  The areas of risk may very well be addressed from a diet/nutrition perspective, a physical movement/exercise perspective – or perhaps from a stress reduction/emotional well-being perspective.  Hope that helps!

    Todd Jungling
    Corporate Wellness MAX

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  • Thank you Todd! We did come up with an idea to do a variety of health and wellness challenges over a 12 week period which include both nutrition and physical exercise. I'm pitching it to the rest of the HR team today.  We're also going to do a Wellness Lunch and Learn in Q2 before we roll out the new program and incorporate Wellness topics in our newsletter. Sounds like our thoughts are on par with your recommendations. :) 


  • Fantastic, Cortney.  A unique wellness programming option that we offer for organizations to get employees moving is – believe it or not – pickleball!  Here is a link to a brochure on our program:  http://www.corporatewellnessmax.com/wp-content/uploads/Pickleball-CorporateWellnessMAX.pdf.  People love playing and it's a great way to have fun and get the employees moving.  We also partner with many experts in Mason and Greater Cincinnati to address various aspects of wellness and for lunch-and-learns if you're interested.  Good luck with your pitch!  Todd

  • I haven't heard of that,  very interesting! Thank you!! :)


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  • I think its very important to make sure whatever initiative you choose will have a direct impact on wellness risks within your employee population. For example if you don't have any smokers than you obviously don't need a smoking cessation plan. If the majority of your people are fairly active, a fitbit style step competition may not be necessary as they are already motivated to move.  
    My husbands employer has a program they use where they let employees download an app that they can sync with fitbit/garmin/etc to track steps and calorie burn and such. The app also gives them a wellness tip everyday and they get points for reading it. It also gives them a daily challenge-it may be something like take the stairs today- and they get points for completing that as well. You record your own points in the app so you have to rely on the honor system. Employees can earn up to $250 a quarter. Since my husband and I are on my medical benefits his money goes on his check, but employees with insurance through the employer have the option to apply that to their benefits cost. 

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  • Hi Courtney

    We like to do a lot of community service so we tie that into our wellness program.  So this year, we did participate in the American Heart Association 5k, do one full day of community service and send us an overview, well woman/well adult visit, and then we have a financial wellness lnl.  They must do the health assessment plus two other items to receive the full incentive.


  • Hutto Minyard Thank you. I apologize, for some reason I did not receive a notification you had posted. We decided to move forward with a 12 week Wellness Challenge in addition to the Biometric Screening and HA. The wellness challenge consists if a physical challenge, nutrition challenge, or an emotional well-being challenge. We are hoping this gets them thinking about what they're doing, or not doing, to contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

  • Jarlyn Gonzalez That is an excellent idea Jarlyn! Since we're doing the 12 week wellness challenge this year, that accounts for half of their credit if they complete it. I definitely have an interest in pairing wellness to community service and will be exploring ways we can do that for FY18. Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Cortney Saylor It's worked out well because so many of our employees were already engaged in some community event.  We even counted going on kids field trips as community service.  Good luck!  And email me if you have any further questions....jarlyn_gonzalez@ohionational.com

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