Questions about Pre-employment Testing

(These questions came to me from a person recently finding herself in transition. Thanks - Steve)

I would like to ask some questions around Recruitment Testing to get some context:

  1. How beneficial are they to the hiring process?
  2.  Is pre-application testing becoming the norm?
  3.  How do people in transition prepare for these tests?
  4. Does it block candidates who may be seeking new opportunities (career change)?

Thanks for any input on these. I appreciate it.

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  • 1.  If they are using an assessment that is truly valid for hiring, then the assessment can help both employer and candidate to see if you are a good fit for the job.  Assessments that measure only personality are probably not the best indicator for hiring.  Assessments that measure cognitive, personality, honesty and integrity, and interests, give the best overall picture for a good fit.

    2.  Yes. This is the norm.  Over 50% of all companies use assessments.  Over 90% or all top performing companies use assessments.

    3.  You really should not need to prepare.  There are sites that will tell people how to "fool" these tests, but if the assessment is a good one, it is measuring how you learn, your personality traits, honesty, and what you like to do (interests).  A good assessment can measure someone who is trying to fool the test.  We call that reliability.  There are no right or wrong answers (except the cognitive piece).  Current assessments benefit both parties. Not only is the employer looking for a candidate who will fit their job and culture, but as a candidate, you should want to know if you would be happy working for a particular company in a particular job.  I always went into an interview thinking I was interviewing them as much as they were interviewing me.

    4.  I am not aware of any that block someone because of a career change.  In fact, if you have been unhappy in your current career, it is probably because you weren't a good fit.  An assessment can help you see if you are a good fit.

    Please feel free to call me if you have any questions.  Sue 740 326-6851

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