Recruiting IT - newly created position - HELP!

We are a small company that has grown to the point that we are exploring hiring a full time IT employee.  Only problem is we have no clue where to start.  If you were looking for a standard IT employee to handle standard computer, server, networking and other information technology issues, what would you advertise for?  How much is the standard IT employee's wages?  I will be happy for any advice on this!  Thank you!

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    • Jeff Hutton
    • Staffing Specialist
    • Jeff_Hutton
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Hi Jennifer.  I understand hiring an IT employee can be a daunting task.  After all they speak a "different" language and its hard to know a good one from one that interviews well.  I would first start with a clear job description of their responsibilities, your expectations and what you want in an ideal candidate.  The more specific and detailed you get the better your chances of success.  Once you have your vision of the role and the candidate mapped out, you should try advertising through a couple of different avenues.  First your current employees.  Referrals are a great source of candidates and help eliminate some unknowns.  Make your employees aware of what you're looking for and engage them in the search, after all chances are they will have to interact with this person on a regular basis.  A couple of job boards I would recommend posting to are Dice and Indeed, they have a lot of traffic and a high usage among IT professionals.  Also an added bonus from using these sites is you can look at other job postings advertising for the same type of person as you to get ideas on creating your job description.  Another great resource is LinkedIn.  You can do searches for people in your area with the skills you want that may not necessarily be looking for a job, but are motivated to make a move for a great opportunity.  Which brings me to my next point, when advertising your position make sure you talk about what the prospective employee will get to work on (the person you want is passionate about technology and will love to get their hands on cool things), the importance of the position to the organization (they want to feel valued) and lastly what's great about your company in general and why you love to work there.  Today's IT professionals have a lot of opportunities so you need to make yours stand out and be attractive.  The type of person you are looking for is typically called a Network Administrator or Systems Administrator so use that as the job title.  You may also want to check with local technical schools.  They typically have an outplacement office and can put you in touch with some potentially great candidates.

    Regarding wages I'm not sure where you're located, but I would say a typical range for someone with the skills you're looking for would fall between $40,000 - 60,000 per year. 

    Lastly I know you didn't ask this but I feel compelled to say that this person will have the "keys to the kingdom" so make sure there are checks and balances in place.  One upset IT administrator can wreak havoc on any business.   

    I hope this helps.  Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

    Like 1
  • I'd definitely say start with the referrals. You can figure out salary by location really easily of you first figure out the title. In my experience, they're typically a system administrator.

    Try this. There's a chart at the bottom that maps their career paths and salaries. Look at that and try to figure out where your person sits:

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  • 8 yrs agoLast active
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