Development Opportunity

Hi Everyone

I have a high performing engineer at my office. He has the tech skillset and knowledge to be a senior in our organization, but not the communication skills. English is his second language. So with high level design concepts and principles he often thinks in his native tongue and has an issue speaking to the abstract in English. 

What type of training opportunities could I target for him? Internally, he's going to be responsible for leading technical presentations, providing ongoing training to members of the organization outside of his direct team, participating in our software architecture review board. Basically, if he were to be promoted he'd be responsible for presenting these abstract technical concepts every day. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. 

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  • Hi Rob,

    I love that you're looking to support an engineer's growth!  I am not aware of a course that would cover technical English language (there may be one out there). 

    An alternative could be having a mentor who excels at presentations work with him on some small presentations in a safe environment like a regular team meeting.  The mentor could focus on helping him collect his vocabulary and proper phrasing.  After a couple rounds, his progress could be evaluated.

    That's all I got for ya!


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  • 8 yrs agoLast active
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