Does anyone have an unlimited PTO policy?

Hi there,

Looking for feedback from folks who either have or have considered offering an unlimited paid time off policy within their organization. I love the idea of it, but would love to better understand some of the pros/cons from people who have lived it before I propose it for our workforce.

For some context, I work for a small (under 15 employees) software firm that is already quite flexible in terms of letting people frequently work from home, flex hours during the day, etc. We have part-time hourly, as well as full-time salaried non-exempt and salaried exempt employees.

Thanks in advance!

Jess Stephenson

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  • Jess - We offer unlimited PTO to our exempt workforce and have a few clients that do the same. I'm happy to talk through it outloud with you to share anything I know that may help you. Feel free to email ( or call me (513-697-9855 x302). Thanks! Robin Throckmorton with strategic HR, inc.

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  • 8 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 517Views
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