Benefits and Bourbon at New Riff - 8/10/22 !!

Benefits and Bourbon
Date: August 10, 2022
Location: New Riff Distilling, 24 Distillery Way, Newport, KY 41073
Time: 11:30am-2pm.
Lunch and Presentation from 11:30am-1pm. Taste and Tour from 1-2pm.
1 Hour of SHRM / PHR CE Credit
What topics will be discussed?
Data Analystics from Advanced Medical Pricing Solutions and how claims repricing can reduce bottom line spending on healthcare.
Innovative "Access to Care" and VIrtual Healthcare Solutions through Amazon Care.
Who is this seminar intended for?
Businesses and Organizations should have 100+ employees and an interest in self-funding. However, if your business has over 50, there should be some solid takeaways for your organization and business.
If interested in attending, please RSVP by Monday, August 5th to Ryan Mount at Lang Financial Group, rmount@langgroup.com or 513-699-2986 and let us know your name, your title, and who else is attending with you.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!