Relocating to Columbus Area!

Hi Fancy HR Friends!  My sister-in-law and her family are relocating from Dallas, TX to Columbus, Ohio and she is looking for work. 

The goal is to be in Ohio no later than May of 2025 but they are open to a different time frame should the right opportunity present itself. She has been with AT&T since 2007 and is headed to Ohio to be with her father as he approaches his 70s! 

AT&T doesn't have a hub in Ohio or she'd stay put.  Her resume and cover letter are here! 

Does anybody know of anything that would be a solid next step for her?

Thanks for any help/suggestions you can offer. - Sabrina

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  • Good morning! I am in the central Ohio area and would be willing to help....please feel free to give your sister-in-law my email address and I will keep an eye out for her. With all of the tech companies coming into the area (i.e. - intel, Microsoft, Google, Meta, etc.) I am sure she will find a job.....its just finding the right environment for her to flourish. My email address is

    • Shirley Drake Thank you!! Passing along to her now. 

  • Hi Sabrina! We were able to connect via LinkedIn. I will continue to funnel any roles I see in the market or that I hear through my networks.  S~

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