Coaching Certification Recommendations

I have a few employees on our team interested in getting a coaching certification. There are so many coaching certifications out there. We'd love input on this...

  • What certification do you look for someone to have?
  • What certification do you have? 
  • Any that you recommend or don't recommend?

Any feedback anyone can offer is so appreciated.  Thanks!

Robin Throckmorton (

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    • Vicky DiGiovanni
    • Professional and Team Development Coach
    • Vicky_DiGiovanni
    • 9 mths ago
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    Robin, this is always a great question.  I have a Fascinate® Assessment Certification.  This is a newer assessment that provides quick "spot on" results for personal, employee, leadership, and team development using a fresh approach. 

    It provides information on how others see you and the value you bring to the table.   It focuses on communication, branding and collaboration.

    It has been accepted by ICF (International Coaches Federation) and has coaches throughout the world. 

    I believe once it becomes more well known,  it will greatly benefit HR in multiple areas.

    Let me know if you would like more information on Fascinate®.


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  • Thanks for sharing Vicky! I'll share this with my team and definitely reach out if we have more questions. - Thanks again! Robin

  • I think getting a Culture Coach certification would be essential for HR leaders and consultants - so they have actual tools to move the dial forward with culture-shaping initiatives. 

    Here is the one that I recommend (and love that they use Cards for Culture as one piece of their unique/fun learning!):

    • Melanie Booher  Thanks!

    • Leslie Mizerak
    • Executive & Confidence Coach
    • Leslie_Mizerak
    • 8 mths ago
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    If you want a good certification program I suggest you look at the ICF - coachfederation website for a list of approved cert programs. IPEC and ICA are 2 good programs. Great for both internal and external coaching. If you have any questions, feel free to schedule time to discuss a possible path forward.

    Leslie M

    (& no, I am not affiliated with either program, I just know several people who have 'graduated" from those programs)

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  • Thanks Leslie! I've heard a lot about those two programs too. Thanks for sharing!

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