Scheduled Time Off without pay

We are a small manufacturing company with about 60 hourly assemblers. Our employees don't earn vacation until after 6 months at the company. However we offer flex time allowing our employees to make up their time when they miss a fact it is a requirement. My question is what is a reasonable amount of time to allow these employees to take time off and have their make up time made up in a reasonable amount of time to still contribute to the work on the floor. We have had suggestions of no more than 3 days at a time (unless of course there is some sort of emergency that would require them to miss more time). Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Where I've seen make-up time allowed is in our facility in California and it must be done in the same week as the time missed with a signed request first.  The signed request overrides the need to pay overtime for hours worked over eight (8) in a day in CA.  Sounds like your best bet may be to allow for unpaid time off rather than make-up hours since you would still have to comply with overtime law in OH.

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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