Attorney Looking to Transition to HR

  • Caroline Miller
  • Attorney Transitioning into Labor Relations
  • Caroline_Miller
  • updated 3 mths ago

Hi all, 

I am new here and wanted to reach out in hopes of getting some guidance on transitioning into the HR field. I have been an attorney for 2 years, and I want to transition into the HR field due to my experiences with the workplace. I also have a strong desire to help workplaces thrive, so I am very passionate about making this career change. I feel my personality is better suited for this than, say litigating in a courtroom (this is the condensed version of my “why”). I am more specifically interested in employee relations or labor relations — both of which I know are two separate things  

I currently serve as my office’s union steward and am studying for my aPHR as well as participating in other courses and training such as mediation.  For the past 4 months, I have talked with dozens of folks in the field and have done extensive research to ensure this is what I would like to do. I feel confident in my decision to transition.

However, I am feeling really stuck and a bit hopeless in even landing an interview. I feel that so many of my skills and experiences as an attorney are transferable here and am eager and excited simply talking about and researching the subject.

I plan to come to the next HR Roundtable to meet more folks, but I would love it if anyone on this forum has the time or capacity to give me some advice or has any suggestions on where I might look for a job.

At this point, I think having a company that can believe in me is all I am hoping for. Feel free to comment, message me, or email me at

Thank you so much for your time. 

With gratitude - Caroline Miller 

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