How do you Define Associate Directors, Directors, and Sr. Directors
Calling all organizational design and talent development friends. Quick favor / question for you?
I am looking to survey companies to see how they define and differentiate the below positions/roles in their company. Any thoughts, ideas, responsibilities, definitions, behaviors, skills, strengths, and/or characteristics you can offer for each position/role that differentiate/define each would be very helpful.
- Associate Directors
- Directors
- Sr. Directors
- Vice President
-Sr. Vice President
We greatly appreciate you and your time.
Hello, Matthew. I would recommend coming up with a full framework for all roles that includes things like: years of experience, education, experience, span of control, budget responsibility, influencing required, management responsibility, whether the role is a head of a function, multiple functions, etc. and then tier that up and down across those levels, based on your market pricing and salary banding. You can put this all in a chart that is easy for everyone to understand.
Hope that helps, good luck!