HRIS / Payroll System for a Start-Up Company

Hello everyone!

 I just took an HR role at a start-up, we have 35 employees now, but we expect to grow quickly.  We are currently with a PEO, but I suspect we will want/need to switch to an in-house payroll platform soon.

Does anyone have a system they love?  I am hoping for something that covers as many areas as possible: recruiting, performance mgmt, learning, etc.  I have always been with large organizations, and those tools are much more than we need right now.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can offer! - Allison

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    • John Baldino
    • President of Humareso, International Speaker, Bocce Aficionado
    • John_Baldino
    • 1 mth ago
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    I would recommend BambooHR for what you've shared. Have you taken a peek at that one? If not, I can get you connected to a very good contact I have there. Just let me know!

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  • 1 mth agoLast active
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