Seeking Guidance on International Talent Recruitment

I'm Nathalie, I am excited to delve into a topic that's been on my mind lately.

So, picture this: your company's all about embracing diversity, right? And you're on a mission to recruit talent from all corners of the globe for remote positions.

Now, you've got your eye on the vibrant talent pool in Africa, but here's the kicker:

Do you need to jump through legal hoops and establish a legal entity in each country you hire from? 

Let's work collaboratively to untangle this legal puzzle! I'd love to hear from others who have been successful in recruiting from Africa.

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  • I've dealt with this a bit in South Africa. There, you need to register a legal entity, which would require filing an annual tax return. If you're hiring from a lot of different countries, you can look into an employer of record (EOR) service which would automate the compliance piece. Here are some options:

  • Hello Nathalie,

    Welcome to the community. It's encouraging to learn of your company's commitment to fostering team diversity. Collaborating with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, countries, and cultures can yield significant benefits for your organization. Kudos to you for prioritizing this initiative. 👏

    To address your query: No, you do not need to establish a local entity in the talent's country to legally hire them as employees. However, it is crucial to ensure compliance with the talent's local labor laws. Setting up a subsidiary can be both costly and time-consuming, but there are alternatives.

    Consider leveraging an employer of record service provider, which can manage the complexities of foreign laws and ensure compliance on your behalf.

    For hiring in Africa, I recommend vetting EOR companies with a proven track record of delivering compliant hiring solutions. We have had a positive experience with Breedj ( for nearly two years, with seamless processes throughout.

    I hope this information proves helpful. Feel free to reach out with any further questions.

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  • 4 mths agoLast active
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