Performance Reviews are Dead! Long live the Performance Review!

Plenty of press about trashing performance ratings these days, but I have to disagree. I say it must evolve and emphasizing the discussion is spot-on. Talk about what went well, what didn't, and what's holding your employees back.

Ours focuses on "the what" you achieved and "the how" you got it done. Did you do great work, but burn every bridge to get there? Does everyone love you, but someone else have to carry your projects over the finish line?

And forget about 9-box approaches because all you're really doing is creating more labels (or as I think of them, "worker stereotypes"). Talk about the good, don't beat anyone up on the bad, and make a plan to do better - not fluffy, pie-in-the-sky goals, but something that you can be proud of.

So, if this is my Performance tool, my immediate questions are: how to wrap 2%-3% merit budgets around it, how to identify and reward "top talent," and deal with equity issues (external as well as internal)?

I have some ideas, but curious who else may be venturing down this path.
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  • I want to change our performance discussions to focus on what was accomplished, how it was done and what needs to be completed in the next period.  I still believe we need some sort of form to guide this discussion.  I am interested in seeing a form that can be used to help managers prepare and document this conversation.  Does anyone have one you are willing to share?

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  • 8 yrs agoLast active
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