Onboarding Program

Would anyone be willing to share your successful onboarding program you use with new employees?

Thank you

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  • Ryan Mount I would love these emailed to me as well! I am developing one now and would love to see and compare. CABuchanan@brooks1st.com

  • We have a "Bosch Buddy" program along with an Induction Plan that the Managers follow. We have 30-60-90 day check in's with the associate and Manager to make sure all is progressing. If you would like to see the Induction Plan, you contact me @ michelle.verkerke@us.bosch.com

  • Ryan Mount I would be interested. Lindsey@lisnr.com

    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Lindsey Redwine Sent! 

    • Penny G
    • HR Manager
    • Penny_G
    • 6 yrs ago
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     I attached our onboarding check list.  We updated this last year to enhance our program

  • Thanks Ryan Mount  Penny G

  • Ryan Mount 

    Would you share your on-boarding scorecard and toolkit with RLAPD.JENNIFER.BYE@GMAIL.COM ?

    Thank you. 

    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Welcome Lindsey.

    Jennifer, check you inbox.   Sent it over this morning.  And, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. 

    • Ivy Morris
    • VP of HR
    • Ivy_Morris
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Ryan Mount - I am always open to comparing our onboarding program with others and would love to review your scorecard and tookit. My email is ivy.morris@gazette.com . Thank you!

    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Ivy Morris Sent!

  • Ryan Mount - could you send the info my way? cklein@enviroscienceinc.com

    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Chadwick Klein Sent! 

  • Ryan, I am interested in receiving your scorecard and toolkit. My email is laura@bigdotofhappiness.com. Thank you!

    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Laura Nelson Schick Sent!  Sorry for the delay! 

    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    We actually have a brand new Interactive Onboarding Toolkit.  Please let me know if anyone on the thread is interested in receiving our new version! 

  • I would be interested--please and thank you!  kbeck@winzelerstamping.com

  • Ryan Mount Hey Ryan! I just read on the Onboarding Forum that you have an Onboarding Scorecard and HR Toolkit that others have used. Would you mind sharing it with me, too? My email is JulieA@OxbowAcademy.Net

    Thank you!

  • Penny G Hey Penny!  I'm new here, and I just looked over your onboarding check list.  Wow!  You are so organized!  I appreciate you sharing this - it gave me something else I'd like to implement at our company!  Thanks!

    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Julie Anderson Our Scorecard and Toolkit was Sent!

  • Ryan Mount  Thanks, Ryan!  I'll take a look at it!

  • Ryan Mount I

    Would you be willing to share your Onboarding Scorecard and HR Toolkit for Onboarding?

    My email is vweimer@exhibitconcepts.com

    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Victoria Weimer Sent! 

    • Emma Webb
    • Emma_Webb
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Hello Ryan, I am interested in your scorecard and toolkit. Thank you.

    Ryan Mount My email: ewebb@bhdp.com

    Like 1
      • Ryan Mount
      • Employee Benefits Specialist
      • Ryan_Mount
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Emma Webb Sent! 

      Like 1
  • Ryan Mount I am interested in your scorecard and toolkit please. ARonis-tobin@astutesolutions.com

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