Bereavement Leave

I am in the process of evaluating our bereavement leave policy, which allows for the typical 3 day paid leave for the death of an immediate family member.   I'm looking for details of bereavement leave policies, especially from those of you that work in the healthcare field. I'm also curious if anyone has increased their paid leave options, or made other changes to their policies in light of some of the increased attention that bereavement leave has gained over the course of the last year or so?

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    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Most companies that I have worked at and alongside offer a 5 day paid bereavement policy for immediate members.  The reason is that some religions, such as Judaism, require you to sit for a period of 7 days (known as shiva) and with 5 days and the weekend, it will usually cover that period.  It is an all encompassing plan that does discriminate and has been applicable in my all my job settings. Hopefully that helps! 

  • Ryan Mount  Yes, it is helpful. Thank you for your feedback! 

  • Becky, I have been doing some extensive research in this area in prepration for several SHRM speaking events. The first of which occurs next week on the #HRCruise. What I have found is that 3-5 days paid time of is still the most typical. Facebook as you know increased to 10 which started the focus on this last year. In light of my personal situation with the loss of my father, brother, and mother all within 2 years of each other, I am advocating for workplace flexibility and a trust culture to support. Here is just one blog I wrote on the topic after my 2nd very close relative died to give managers an idea of how intense the work and grieving process can be around death of a loved one. If you have interest in any of my materials after the cruise mid February email me at . Hope this helps.

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