Technology Consultant Needed - Greater Cincinnati

Looking for a technology consultant who can help with selecting and implementing a tool or tools (if they integrate with other tools) to meet all of our People needs including, ATS, Payroll, HRIS, Performance Management, Surveys, Electronic signatures, Measurement, Dashboards, Organizational Charts, Mobile Access, integration with our PM tool (which tracks billable hours).

Looking for someone who can work with us to understand our needs, our current solutions and how we can select new programs which will take us to the next level,  so our managers and employees have the information and tools they need available at their finger tips (actually at their finger tips.)

Is there anyone out there that can do this?   Any advice is truly appreciated!  Thanks in advance.

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  • Nancy - Hope you are doing well Nancy!  Give me a call and I'm happy to brainstorm options with you (513-697-9855/

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 236Views
  • 2 Following