Do you notify ALL of terminated employees?

Just curious, do most employers send an all employee notification when someone's employment is terminated, whether it be voluntary or involuntary?  My purpose would be no other reason than security.  I really don't like publicly announcing employee exits, but there is increasing concern that if ALL employees are not notified then we have security issues, for instance other employees don't know, and the ex-employee simply says "I forgot my badge" - next thing you know their in the building.

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    • Colleen Pfaller
    • Talent Partner for Your Growing Business
    • Colleen
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Hey Lisa! 

    I have always done it for all of the reasons you expressed in your question. It can be done in a way that is short, sweet and to-the-point.

    X has left the company effective. XX/XX/XXXX. We wish him/her the best!

    If you keep them consistent, no one will read between the lines. I have seen some horrendous announcements over the years where the employer goes into too much detail. Or they gush about one employee leaving and send a one-sentence announcement for the next. As usual, consistency is key. 

  • Hello -

    We only notify managers and leads of a termination.  Employees are instructed that if someone forgets their badge or their badge is not working, they must go get a manager/lead to let that person in.  

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