Performance Appraisals

Looking to see what others performance evaluation process looks like. 

  1. Do you conduct some sort of formal performance evaluation with employees?
  2. If yes, to all employees or a select group? (i.e. exclude part-time?)
  3. Please describe your review process (i.e. mgr rating employee, multiple rater process – 360).
  4. What is the frequency of your evaluations? Do you think your frequency is satisfactory?
  5. Do you use a rating scale? If so what does that consist of? If not, what is your alternative?
  6. Do you have a system or automated process for evaluations? If so, what system do you use?
  7. Are you looking to make changes to your process in the near future? If so, what are you proposing to do?
  8. Is your current performance evaluation process tied to salary increases?
  9. What are some common complaints or pitfalls you have with your existing process?
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  • Looking for anyone's feedback if they are willing. Thank you.

    • Brian Deming
    • Saving the World one PivotTable at a time
    • Brian_Deming
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view
    1. formal performance evaluation? Yes. All regular employees, including interns. 
    2. all employees? (i.e. exclude part-time?) Only exclusions would be temporary/ contractors
    3. review process: self-evals; manager evals; multi-rater feedback
    4. frequency? satisfactory? Formal Check points: Start-up agreements to being the process. Mid-year update. Wrap-up conversation. Informal: strongly recommended to have weekly or every other week check-ins. "what's going well? what's not going well? what do you need from me (manager) to help get across the finish line?"
    5. rating scale? Yes. Rated on "what" was achieved as well as "how" it was achieved? Great work, but burned bridges? Everyone loves you, but no work is done? best way to describe it: what - those you want on your team for a 24-hour emergency; how - those you want on your team for a 3-year project
    6. automated process? no, but evaluating systems (2019 target)
    7. changes in the future? nothing planned, but natural evolution of performance evals is a given. we have ongoing "parking lot" discussions of what might/should be next.
    8. performance evaluation tied to salary increases? yes; increase is driven by rating
    9. complaints or pitfalls? managers who cannot "people manage" struggle with the process. has identified training opportunities where HR needs to help/facilitate.
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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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