Who's going to SHRM24?

Hi there HR Netters -

I'm heading to the SHRM Annual Conference in Chicago.  It's an event that can be overwhelming. I'm more of a veteran and used to the mass of humanity that attends.

I wanted to ask and see who's going to go this year? Drop a response on the site below and also share your best piece of advice for others going.

Look forward to seeing you there !!


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  • I'll be there!!!  My advice - don't try to do everything.  As Steve said, it is very overwhelming.  Review the schedule before you go and make a plan.  And most of all - have fun!  Don't be afraid to let loose and to introduce yourself to new people.  

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  • I will be attending this year!  My advice - comfortable shoes.  There is a lot of walking. It is much easier to get around if the shoes are up for the challenge.  I have always enjoyed meeting all the wonderful attendees and look forward to the friends I will be making this year.

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    • Benjamin McCall
    • HR & Business Strategy | Talent | Executive & Change Leadership
    • Benjaminm
    • 5 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Leading a pre-conference session and then I'll be there til Monday night orTuesday

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    • Rebecca Toler
    • Curiosity Aficionado
    • Rebecca_Toler
    • 4 mths ago
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    I'll be there! I always look forward to being surrounded by people who do the same things that I do, but in such different ways. Picking other peoples' brains and making new friends is my favorite thing to do. 

    My advice? I strongly agree with having the right shoes and having a plan in place (definitely don't try to do ALL the things or you will be EXHAUSTED). Personally, I always struggle with having enough food and water, so I bring a water bottle with me and pack some snacks in my bag so that I'm fueled and hydrated through the day. There's nothing worse than crashing at the end of the day because you've walked 20,000 steps and haven't had enough to eat or drink!

    You may see me in and around the conference wearing my sequined Maryland flag jacket that I just picked up specifically so that I can find my MD folks. If you see me, stop and say hi! 

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  • I will be there! Looking forward to it! I also agree with comfortable shoes and not trying to do everything. 


    I look forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting new friends!

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