Looking for an HR Jeopardy or HR Family Feud Game

(This came to me from Katie Cimpello, a fellow HR peer - Steve)

I am looking to have a trivia game session (Jeopardy or Family Feud like) to educate leaders in our organization on HR specific topics.

I didn't know if anyone has done anything like this or can recollect if something has been done like this at a past SHRM convention. I did not want to recreate the wheel due to limited timing to develop a session for next month - mid-April.

Therefore, I am reaching out to my HR friends who are leaders in the HR space to ask.  Let me know if anything comes to mind.

Feel free to email me with what you have at: katie.cimpello@burke.com

Thanks! - Katie

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  • If it's not to late, I am new here and would love to get a copy as well. 


    • LAQUITA JAOUANI Hi, Laquita - I just sent you an email.  

  • I am new to this platform (learned about it at the SHRM conference - yah!)  If possible, Christie Engler , I would love your leadership game template! hbc@ldconstruction.com

    Thank you so much!

    • Heather CyGan Hi, Heather - I am sending to you via email now.  

  • All who posted with an email... I just sent you an invitation to one of the Kahoot games I created and used a few years ago. So fun! I coordinated annual HR Trivia Competitions for my Bay Area HR Community before COVID.. I'm looking to resurrect the games this October...if anyone is interested in collaborating with me, send me an email - jenny.vonderwerth@onedigital.com. We can have some friendly competition between the Bay Area HR Community and yours. :) Jenny | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jvonderwerth/


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