Alternate Company Hours

Hello, we would like to implement a different schedule where we're able to give employees Friday afternoon off (bi-weekly or monthly).  Does anyone have any creative suggestions I might not have thought of?  TIA!

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  • Hi Ellen - we work a 38 hour workweek instead of 40 hours and do a half-day Friday every week. What that means is, our typical office hours are 8am-5:30pm or 8:30am-6pm Monday -Thursday and on Fridays it's 8am-12pm or 8:30am-12:30pm. You could continue with 40 hours and have them work 8am-6pm Mon-Thu. I've also in the past worked a 9/80 schedule. I'd have every other Friday off on that schedule. Hope that helps. 

    Like 1
    • Erica Bergman 

      Hi Erica -- thank you so much for providing the information!  That is not a schedule I would have thought about but is definitely a good possibility for our people.  I really liked the 9/80 schedule myself, as well, it was nice to have every other Friday off!  Thanks so much.  Ellen

  • I have also worked a 4/10 and 9/80 work schedule and would say that these work schedules are probably the best free engagement, retention, benefit that I have seen in my career. I would say that the 9/80 schedule was my favorite because the 4/10 schedule can be very challenging for working parents. The work schedule for 9/80 is 9 hours Mon-Thursday, then either a half day every Friday or day off every other Friday. If the business is open on Fridays, an A and B schedule can be created with both schedules to cover 5 days a week. The 9/80 schedule can be challenging from a payroll workweek perspective for non-exempt employees, so I would recommend partnering with your payroll team if considering this option. Good luck! 

    • Alysa Southall
    • Your HR, Hiring and Job Search Partner
    • AlysaSouthall
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I worked in a company (manufacturing) where they offered a 9/80 schedule. While most employees liked having the Friday off, it also meant that they worked more hours each day to make up for that. I think ultimately they enjoyed having the Fridays off so they were able to get passed that point. When we did the 9/80, like Bonita referenced, we had the payday start at noon time on Friday and employees were paid bi-weekly. This way in the week they worked more hours it wasn't considered OT wages because the second half of hours from Friday fell into week two.

    Personally, I think if you're going to let employees have Fridays off, then you shouldn't make them work more hours somewhere else in the week to make up for it since the idea is to give them time off. Just let them have the Friday off and pay them like normal. If you want to limit the number of people being out that day, allow the employees to take either Monday or Friday, but let them make the choice on which one.

  • I've worked a 9/80 and LOVED it!  I miss it so so so much not having it at my current organization.  If you ever want to review the specifics of how a 9/80 works in details you could review the CA State Wage Orders.  They have a lot of alternative work schedule (AWS) rules in them!  We we offered the 9/80 work schedule it was 100% the greatest retention tool we had! 

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