Hygiene issue at a work location

This should not even be an issue however it has become one and I have had 2 employees now reach out to me.  Note: we are wholesale plumbing distributor.

Here is the issue:

Apparently, someone is leaving the bathroom unclean (nicest way I can state this).  In one area (store) there are only 4 employees.  I am not 100% sure this is an employee and not a customer.  Apparently, the store employees show this bathroom to potential customers looking to purchase (ie. self flushing toilet).

Any ideas or experience addressing this.  This is a first for me in 16 years in HR. 

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  • Is there any way for the employees and customers to have separate bathrooms?  I can't imagine the sharing of one going well in any environment.  That said, I think you have to address the issue globally with the 4 employees and then immediately follow up at the time of the next incident.  Taking pictures of the bathroom in the not-desirable state may help for those more visual learners.  

  • I'm not sure why, but this happens too often in the workplace. We've put up little notices reminding people to use good hygiene. That helped, but did not resolve completely. Being specific is good too, i.e. flush the toilet! That said, perhaps a little log on the outside door, that people confirm, with date/time and initials, restroom cleanliness periodically. Seems essential if you use this same restroom to showcase for customers

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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