Performance Management Process


Our HR team is looking to revamp the PM process so we are wondering what other companies are doing out there, or if anyone has suggestions of what they wish or want to be doing.  If anyone is able to share we'd appreciate it!  Below are a few questions to help us:

1. What is your process

2. Do you like your current process (why or why not)?

3. How long has your current process been in place?

4. What tools/systems do you use?

5. How frequently do you hold performance conversations?  Are they formal or informal?

6. How do you tie in career development and compensation?

Thank you!

Sarah Holecek

Sr. HR Generalist 

Bellwether Enterprise, Cleveland, OH 

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    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Afternoon Sarah - I know you were looking direct answers to your questions, but in the meantime, wanted to drop these here.  Along with some Performance Review trends, I also included some best practices. I also included our great HR Toolkits for Performance Reviews.  It contains plenty of useful information to help revamp or guide a new model! 

  • Ryan Mount 

    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for your response and the helpful materials!

    Have a great week!


    • Maureen Donnellan
    • Senior Vice President
    • Maureen_Donnellan
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Hi Sarah. I'd be happy to provide you with information from our practice. Feel free to email me at

  • Hi Sarah - I'm new to this site and from the UK but I work with almost 100 clients in the arena of performance management so I have seen almost every type of process. If  it would be helpful to pick my brains and we can find a good time given the different zones then I would be happy to jump on Zoom or Skype and give examples if helpful

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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