Unlimited PTO System Samples

We're looking at implementing an Unlimited PTO system at our Corporate Offices. I would really appreciate hearing from folks who have done this - pros and cons. I'd also like to be able to follow-up with you if that's cool with you.

Can you send any sample program parameters to me by email at: sbrowne@larosas.com?

I appreciate it !! - Steve

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  • Hi, Steve. We are not allowed to share company policies at my current company, but I am happy to discuss the parameters of our "discretionary PTO" program for exempt employees if you would like. Nonexempt employees still accrue PTO every payroll period. I like the way that it is written - there are suggestions of using minimum of 2 weeks and max of 4 weeks. Over 4 weeks is available with additional approvals from managers and HR. There is also " sick time" for nonexempt employees, primarily for the first 5 days of disability leave, which is a great way to handle how does STD/FML start with unlimited PTO. Please reach out if I can help further!

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  • Steve - We actually had an unlimited PTO program in the past but dissolved it for a number of reasons.  I'm happy to connect with you and share any insight on what worked and what didn't if it would help you.  


      • Penny G
      • HR Manager
      • Penny_G
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Robin Throckmorton Robin - I would be interested to hear more about this from your perspective. 

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    • Penny G Feel free to email me some days and times that work for you to connect by phone.


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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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