Getting more Performance Appraisal Participation


Our agency is transitioning from paper to electronic performance appraisals this year.

 Any advice on increasing the percentage of people completing performance appraisals? Our agency already has really low rates... only 38% of people complete appraisals!

I work for a government agency and performance isn't tied to pay. We are going to do training on the new system, communications, and coaching. We also have field employees who don't have access to the electronic system and will still be using paper forms.

Any insight and suggestions you can give would be appreciated.

Thanks! - Chelsia

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    • Heather Bird-Shimko
    • HR Manager, Lover of Argyle & Oxfords
    • Heather_BirdShimko
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I also work for a gov't agency.  Our performance appraisals are not tied to pay either (did lots of research on merit pay and it tends not to be successful in gov't... would like to look into it again, though.  New generations....). For years I've tried to have people see the importance but honestly, it has to come from the top down as something necessary.  I did just revamp the performace eval to 2 pages and received almost 100%!!  I looked at what are the basic needs... 4 competencies that are needed for the job.  Was able to find consistency.

    Excited to hear about the online platform you are using.  We are small/medium in size.

    If people are not held accountable then don't beat your head against a wall.  In previous nonprofit world, a manager couldn't go on vacation if they weren't done..... it was THAT important to the CEO.

    I am not really a fan of the annual evaluation and would like to now transition to a 3/4 quick meeting check in.

    Good Luck!

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