Process for employee testing positive for COVID 19
Hi everyone, I was asked to work on a checklist for when an employee tests positive for COVID 19. Has anyone started on anything like this? I know that we should communicate to employees and keep the employee info confidential. Other items I should be thinking of..... thanks for the help. Whitney
Whitney, have you been able to establish a checklist and create a procedure for this? I notice you posted this a while ago, so I am assuming you have been able to resolve this. However, if you have not or if any additional questions have come up, feel free to contact me and I can provide you with resources we (strategic HR inc.) have been providing janine@strategichrinc.com. Also, we have a webinar (free) on May 12th at 2pm "Back to Business, Steps, Challenges and Solutions". Here is the link to register if you think it will help going forward. https://strategichrinc.com/events/free-webinar-back-to-business-post-covid-19/