HR File Management Systems
I have begun trying to organize files and looking for information on HR file management systems for an employer will less than 100 employees. Does anyone use one? If so, who and what has your experience been? Would you recommend? Is it cloud based or site based? Have used Records Imagining in the past but not familiar with any other companies. Would appreciate any feedback you can provide. Thank you in advance.
I work for a K-12 school and found a vendor that mainly specializes on education, but they are really great and providing an electronic, web-based solution for filling personnel files. I am still in the process of uploading active employees' files, but anything new that comes in is a real breeze to upload. The company is Yellow Folder. Feel free to reach out to me via email if you want to talk more and perhaps are considering a demo... Price is very affordable too plus their customer service is amazing!!
My email is
Good luck to you!