Making Employees Comfortable Wearing Masks in Heat

Hi Everyone!

While the CDC is still strongly recommending the use of masks, for employee safety, we are also requiring this for any of our essential workers (who are in our warehouses).

With the warehouses warming up as the summer weather moves in, we're looking for ways to help employees feel more comfortable wearing masks during high heat and humidity. 

For any businesses out there with warehouses where they're requiring the use of masks, what are some creative solutions you've come up with?

Would love to hear and happy to share other safety measures we've put in place with anyone who is interested.

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  • Good Morning! This is a tough one as wearing a mask is restricting to begin with - then add heat! We have a similar Plant environment and I'm looking forward to other replies for helpful advice. We use several different types of masks and employees can bring their own if they choose. Even alternating different masks helps as they do collect dust, sweat and spit. A full face mask is good for employees who find cloth masks too warm. This is the plastic shield similar to what you see in ICU. The air flows under and from the sides so it works well. We also have huge fans on each workstation, allow frequent breaks and supply bottled water. There are cold scarves you can purchase too although many don't care for them. Anytime the temperature goes above 90, we bring in goodies to help cool down. Unlimited popsicle's and ice cold watermelon are always appreciated. We also open all the dock doors and man doors if there is a breeze. If your employees know that you are trying to help them and that you earnestly care for them, the hot summer will be more tolerable. Rita M. Rode

  • We have the ability to socially distance at our work stations in the warehouse.  We allow them to have mask cover mouth but not nose as long as they keep the 6 ft rule in effect.  Phil Brunner

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