Communicating a Termination to The Rest of the Team

HR friends, we've made the difficult decision to terminate an employee due to consistently low utilization and a few performance issues.

Due to the current economic situation, we don't want the remaining staff to worry about the security of their jobs when we inform them of this termination (we are a small design firm of 36 employees.)

Does anyone have guidance on the best possible language to use to deliver this messaging as well as guidance on what we are legally obligated to disclose/not disclose to the rest of the team?

Thanks - Amy

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  • Amy, I also work for a design firm of 65 individuals. I have a template I use for such announcements. Subject: Staff Announcement. Body: 


    I would like to announce that today, DATE was NAME’s last day at FIRM NAME.  We appreciate all that HE/SHE/THEY has done while at FIRM NAME.

    We wish HIM/HER/THEY all the best in their future endeavors and appreciate all the positive things they brought to FIRM NAME. 

    Please address all inquiries to MANAGER NAME.

    Any more questions, happy to help, reach out to me on LinkedIn

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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