Looking for UltiPro or Workday HRMS Organizations

My organization is in the final phases of identifying our future HRMS provider. The final contenders are UltiPro (Ultimate) and Workday. We would really like to speak to organizations about their experience with either of these vendors regarding ease of implementation, meeting organizational expectations, customer service, etc. If you have experience with either of these systems and are willing to discuss, please comment or reach out to me at kweldy@lionprotects.com .

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  • We are looking at both of these solutions as well, but are pretty early in the process, so very interested in responses here. Thanks!

  • We are a multi-state employer, 250 employees  and payroll is done as a part of HR.  I would not recommend Ultipro. The idea and package seem great but I would say it is a software company for an in-house payroll system.  I am use to a more full service like ADP, Ceridian,  or Paychex.  Ultipro will not advise you on anything or even point you in the right direction.     Ours was set up before me and not correctly we have had a lot of issues and they expect the employer to know a lot of the legal items around payroll, we went almost a year without have a state tax code in the system (it was pending), therefore they were not paying the correct account and was receiving notices.  The tax department is overwhelmed, and we have received penalties because of that, Ultipro paid the penalty but it is still on our record.  A lot of hassle.   The HRIS side is very nice but just as buggy as rest.  The training module is through a third party. They have only been doing taxes for clients the last 5-7 years.   I would say the rapid response team is awesome!  but otherwise you are putting a case in and waiting for a response, some of ours were months old, it has gotten better but know way to contact someone direct unless your payroll is with in 72 hours.  lots of e-mail.  They sell the extra cycle part and that really screws up your payroll and deductions, something to watch.   The app is new and buggy.  Sometimes staff can't punch in, the GPS works well enough.  

  • Rikki Popsun Thank you for your input.

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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