Exit Interview Data

We're trying to improve our exit interview process and find a way to get more use from the responses and data we receive.  I'm hoping some of you will share your exit interview questions.  I'm especially interested in any online or automated surveys that you use.  Thanks.

Jim Hartman, Xavier University 

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  • 2 questions I like:

    • What was it that first caused you to look for another opportunity?
    • When did you begin to explore other options? 
    Like 1
    • Tess Ausman
    • Talent Development Manager
    • Tess_Ausman
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    What was your relationship with your manager like?

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  • Hi Jim.  Attached is the survey we sent to associates prior to the exit interview.  It is then used to facilitate discussion during the actual exit interview.

  • Chuck:  Thanks a lot. This is helpful.



  • Tracey Betz     

    Tracey:  Thanks, this is very helpful.  Do you have this online, or do employees key into a fillable pdf?   I'm wondering if you can query your exit interview data.

  • Hi Jim.  We put the survey on Survey Monkey and send out to our associates before their last day.  Most people have access to computers so it is very rare that a manual form needs completed. We do not send to associates that have involuntarily left the organization.....only those that left voluntarily.  Our goal is to use the document to facilitate conversation during the "live" exit interview, but in the event that the exit interview doesn't occur,  you have the quantitative date.  Glad it helped.

    Like 2
  • Good morning Jim, 

    We have been utilizing a web platform for both exit interviews and employee opinion surveys called CultureAmp.  It has a simple dashboard for you to review your attrition stats at a quick glance.  I would highly recommend checking it out if you are looking for an online resource!

    I hope this helps!


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