Employees in Multiple States

How do you keep up on all the different state laws - leave, vacation, etc.?  We have locations in several places and it's challenging.

I know that I can get items from SHRM. I'd like to hear about that as well as other resources you use.

Thanks - Mary Kay

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    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Hey Mary!  Having a broker who works in all states helps, but we also send out constant compliance notices and have immediate access to each state regulations through a software program we use.  What do you need? I can send some things over from our live database to help!  

  • Ryan Mount 

  • Hi Ryan.  We are looking for a way to learn all the individual state regulations.   Is it your Insurance Broker that updates you?  What software do you  use?   Thanks

    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Mary Kay Swadener Sent you a private message! 

  • Hi Mary, StrategicHR has a wonderful website that is kept up to date on all laws, and it is super easy to search by state! You can find out more information on our website  https://strategichrinc.com/virtual-hr/ or feel free to email me for more information at kelli@strategicHRinc.com

    Like 1
  • Hi Mary Kay, 

    It can bog your email a little, but what we do is sign up for all of the alerts available through the state websites.  This is how I learned that we will have to do Paid Family and Medical Leave in Massachusetts (we are located in New Mexico).  We went to the mass.gov site and registered for employment alerts and have done so in other states and so far (knock on wood) we've caught 95% of the changes.

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