Help with HR paperwork and record keeping

(This question came to me Anonymously. - Steve)

I am an HR Manager and I am struggling with all the paperwork and record keeping requirements for my employees.  It takes up a lot of my time to go through and maintain paperwork as well as getting all of my other job duties done.  There is no way I can hire another permanent HR associate to help out.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to get temporary help when you need it?? 

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    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    A couple suggestions... 

    1. Colleen Pfaller at A Slice of HR. She is my go-to when my clients need part-time HR help. She typically handles larger HR needs, but she may be a good referral source. Her contact info: 513-319-7733 or

    2. If you need track of HR Paperwork... We offer HR Connection at no cost to our clients. It allows you to immediately onboard in I-9, W4, Direct Deposit, and All Benefits Elections via electronic and you get a notification once it is completed. Employees can also access and make changes and you will be directly notified of a change. If you need a demo, please reach out to Ryan Mount at Lang Financial Group, or 513-699-2986.

  • I do!  My name is Meagan Senkowski and I spent 10 years in your chair as an HR Manager and Director.  I spent so much time in my office making sure my records were current, handling benefits, ensuring hiring files were complete, entering training records, and preparing for audits.  Hiring additional staff to help was never an option.

    Your problem becomes my opportunity.  As a mom with three kids, including one-year-old twins, I need a flexible work schedule and the ability to work from home for the next few years.  So I am offering my expertise to help HR colleagues with their recordkeeping on a freelance basis. 

    If you need to get on top of your recordkeeping requirements give me a call.  Let’s figure out how to set up a system that frees you up so you can do your job.

    I offer a complete assessment of your recordkeeping and show you how I can provide cost effective solutions. 

    Let’s get started!

    Meagan Senkowski


  • You could also consider hiring a part-time co-op or intern from one of the local universities especially if you thought this would be a regular need throughout the year. It would give them great experience and they could work around their class schedule. I'm sure you could still find someone interested even if it was 8-10 hours/week.

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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