Anyone ever heard of, or used, (powered by bennie)?

One of my team members is getting hit up by this site several times a week and wondered if it was legit. Bennie appears to be an employee benefits platform, but I have not heard of it before.  I was wondering if any members might know a bit more.

I appreciate any insight people can give.

Thank you ! - Stacy

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    • Sarah Bennett
    • People Operations Manager
    • Sarah_Bennett
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Stacy,

    It is a legit group. They say it is invite only, but I am not sure how selective it truly is. A rep will call you and do a screening before you get access to their community.

    You get access to some message boards and content, but the true reason for the group is a soft introduction to their benefits platform product they are hoping to sell you. You will start getting calls and emails asking you to participate in demos and such. 

    However, if you are ok with the marketing piece, there is some good information and content available. You may also get asked to participate in panels and surveys.

    Hope that helps!


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    • Sarah Bennett - hi Sarah, thank you so much!!

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